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Memory and sleep deprivation
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== Memory and sleep deprivation ==
== Memory and sleep deprivation ==
After total sleep loss, encoding and consolidation of memory are dose-dependent impaired1. The deficit could not be decreased after caffeine consumption1. Nevertheless this does not seem to be the case with more common partial or chronic sleep loss, where four hours of SWS-rich sleep, achieved by increased homeostatic sleep pressure6, doesnot influence encoding, consolidation and retrieval of declarative memories1. In addition retrieval is not meaningfully impaired by sleep loss1.
However REM sleep could be more important for those who use mnemonic techniques to ease the encoding of factual information via vibrant imagery and memory palaces, since they incoperate REM sleep dependent memories as mentioned previously.
== Mnemonics and spaced repetition with polyphasic sleep ==
== Mnemonics and spaced repetition with polyphasic sleep ==
confirmed, translator
