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All polyphasic schedules contain both REM and NREM2 after the adaptation process. Especially REM has been shown to be responsible for elaborative encoding13, which is the type of memory encoding that is utilized when mnemonics is used3. Furthermore, this idea can be optimized by placing the study session in a night wake period, which facilitates focusing and studying without interruptions. However, the studying period can also be scheduled before a daytime nap.
All polyphasic schedules contain both REM and NREM2 after the adaptation process. Especially REM has been shown to be responsible for elaborative encoding13, which is the type of memory encoding that is utilized when mnemonics is used3. Furthermore, this idea can be optimized by placing the study session in a night wake period, which facilitates focusing and studying without interruptions. However, the studying period can also be scheduled before a daytime nap.
[[File:Mnemonics on segmentooo.png|thumb|Example 1.]]
Figure 3. Mnemonics on Segmented sleep
Example 1.: Mnemonics on Segmented sleep
The second core sleep of Segmented schedule contains abundant REM sleep, which is a powerful tool to boost elaborative encoding capacity. Alternatively, students could also divide the study sessions into two different segments, one of which is reserved for creating mnemonics and the other is for rehearsal, as shown in the example below.
The second core sleep of Segmented schedule contains abundant REM sleep, which is a powerful tool to boost elaborative encoding capacity. Alternatively, students could also divide the study sessions into two different segments, one of which is reserved for creating mnemonics and the other is for rehearsal, as shown in the example below.
[[File:Mnemonics on sesita.png|thumb|Example 2.]]
Figure 4. Mnemonics on Siesta sleep
Example 2.: Mnemonics on Siesta sleep
The second Siesta core contains both SWS and REM sleep, which further helps with elaborative encoding13. Getting both these vital sleep stages also helps with memory consolidation, declarative and procedural memory functions. Additionally, scheduling this study method can be improved even further, when learners can utilize the Pomodoro Technique. The first 2-3 Pomodoro cycles can be used to create mnemonics for the study material and the last 1-2 Pomodoro cycles can be used to recite learned materials.
The second Siesta core contains both SWS and REM sleep, which further helps with elaborative encoding13. Getting both these vital sleep stages also helps with memory consolidation, declarative and procedural memory functions. Additionally, scheduling this study method can be improved even further, when learners can utilize the Pomodoro Technique. The first 2-3 Pomodoro cycles can be used to create mnemonics for the study material and the last 1-2 Pomodoro cycles can be used to recite learned materials.
[[File:Mnemo and pomodrirdosgp.png|thumb|Example 3.]]
Example 3.: Mnemonics and Pomodoro on E1-extended
Figure 5. Mnemonics and Pomodoro on E1-extended
Using the last Pomodoro cycle for recitation and placing it right before the nap will assist the encodement process of the episodic memory13, especially if done right before a REM nap placed at early hours in the day.  
Using the last Pomodoro cycle for recitation and placing it right before the nap will assist the encodement process of the episodic memory13, especially if done right before a REM nap placed at early hours in the day.  
Lastly, students can also combine mnemonics, spaced repetition, the Pomodoro technique and polyphasic sleeping effectively. Creating mnemonics and converting them into flashcards can be done during the Pomodoro cycles while the 20-minute default break can be traded for some sleep and the daily review can be scheduled before a nap. This automates the rehearsal procedure and ensures that learners can keep the information for the long term by perfectly spacing the repetition intervals for each flashcard.
Lastly, students can also combine mnemonics, spaced repetition, the Pomodoro technique and polyphasic sleeping effectively. Creating mnemonics and converting them into flashcards can be done during the Pomodoro cycles while the 20-minute default break can be traded for some sleep and the daily review can be scheduled before a nap. This automates the rehearsal procedure and ensures that learners can keep the information for the long term by perfectly spacing the repetition intervals for each flashcard.
[[File:Mnemo et pomodoro dc.png|thumb|Example 4.]]
Figure 6. Mnemonics and Pomodoro on DC1
Example 4.: Mnemonics and Pomodoro on DC1
The daily review period is scheduled right before the REM-heavy core sleep on DC1, which boosts the ability to remember procedures by repetition8. Alternatively, if EEG readings show that the nap contains some amount of REM sleep, preparing for another set of mnemonics around that time is also recommended.  
The daily review period is scheduled right before the REM-heavy core sleep on DC1, which boosts the ability to remember procedures by repetition8. Alternatively, if EEG readings show that the nap contains some amount of REM sleep, preparing for another set of mnemonics around that time is also recommended.  
confirmed, translator
