Style Guide

From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki
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In order to preserve consistency throughout this wiki, please follow these style guidelines when creating new articles:

  • Use level 2 subheadings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
  • Use level 3 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
  • For schedules, use schedule templates.
  • Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
  • Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
  • When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.

More will be added as time goes on.


Use this word: Not these:
Mechanism Mechanics, Function, Workings
Schedule Timetable, Sleep cycle, Sleep program, Rhythm, Program
Adaptation Adjustment
Variant Variation, Version, Option
Extended/shortened sleep schedule Lengthened/compressed sleep schedule
Lengthened/compressed sleep cycle Extended/shortened sleep cycle
Everyman 1/2/3/4 (nap count) Everyman 6/4.5/3/1.5 (core length)

Napchart colour scheme

Colour Meaning
Red Sleep
Purple Dark period
Blue Flexible timing range

Schedule page outline

  1. Introduction (no heading)
  2. History/Origin
  3. Mechanism
  4. Adaptation
  5. Difficulty
  6. Lifestyle Considerations
  7. Variants

People pages

  • Use a redirect to a page under User: namespace if you wrote it yourself, and then edit your own user page. (you can do this by typing "#REDIRECT [[User:YourName]]" on the page.) This allows your contributions to appear on the top of that page for convenience.
  • Use first person if you wrote it yourself, third person if it's for someone long dead or unwilling to write themselves.
  • Please do not write a page for someone that does not want to be mentioned.