
From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki
Revision as of 06:33, 15 December 2020 by Zandimna (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== 詞彙表 ==")
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In order to preserve consistency throughout this wiki, please follow these style guidelines when creating new articles:

  • Use level 2 subheadings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
  • Use level 3 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
  • For schedules, use schedule templates.
  • Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
  • Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
  • When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.

More will be added as time goes on.


英文原文: 對應翻譯用字:
Polyphasic/Monophasic 多相/單相
Schedule 時程
Core 主段
Nap 小睡
Adaptation 適應
Modification 改版
Extended/shortened sleep schedule 延長/縮短 睡眠時程
時程名稱 翻譯名稱
TST、DP等縮寫 保持原貌
數目/時間等(固定名詞除外) 阿拉伯數字(123)
標點符號 全形中文標點


顔色 意思
紅色 睡眠
紫色 暗期
藍色 彈性睡眠時段