All translations

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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* Use headings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
* Use level 1 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
* For schedules, use schedule templates.
* Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
* Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
* When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.
 h Japanese (ja)* Use headings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
* Use level 1 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
* For schedules, use schedule templates.
* Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
* Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
* When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.
 h Dutch (nl)* Gebruik koppen voor secties in artikels. Gebruik hier geen vetgedrukte tekst voor.
* Gebruik niveau 1 subkoppen voor subsecties. Gebruik voor dit doel geen genummerde lijsten, gezien deze minder goed leesbaar zijn.
* Gebruik schemasjablonen voor sclaapschema's.
* Maak geen screenshots van napchart-schema's, gebruik in plaats daarvan de functie voor het exporteren van afbeeldingen.
* Gebruik asterisken voor lijstjes.
* Zorg bij het aanmaken van nieuwe pagina's ervoor dat er een korte samenvatting is voor de alinea's beginnen. Dit is nodig voor het weergeven van korte voorbeelden van het artikel.
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)* Use títulos para separar seções de um artigo. Não use texto em negrito para subtítulos.
* Use subtítulos nível 1 para subseções. Evite criar listas numeradas pra esse propósito já que elas são menso legíveis e tendem a se misturar com o resto do texto.
* Para cronogramas, use os templates de cronograma.
* Não tire capturas de tela do Napchart. Use o recurso de exportar imagens
* Para criar listas, use asterisco e um espaço.
* Quando for criar uma nova página, garanta que ela tenha um resumo curto antes de começar os parágrafos. Isso é necessário para que previews do página sejam exibidas corretamente.
 h Russian (ru)* Используйте заголовки для названий разделов в статье. Не используйте для этого жирный текст.
* Используйте подзаголовки первого уровня для подразделов. Избегайте использование нумерованных списков для этой цели, так как они менее читабельны, и имеют тенденцию сливаться в стены текста.
* Используйте шаблоны графиков для отображения графиков.
* Используйте функцию экспорта изображений вместо того, чтобы делать скриншоты нэпчартов.
* Маркируйте списки (используйте для этого "*").
* При создании новой страницы убедитесь, что добавили краткое описание перед началом параграфа. Это необходимо для правильного отображения превью.
 h Simplified Chinese (zh-hans)* Use headings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
* Use level 1 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
* For schedules, use schedule templates.
* Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
* Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
* When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.
 h Traditional Chinese (zh-hant)* Use headings for sections in an article. Do not use bold text for these subheadings.
* Use level 1 subheadings for subsections. Avoid using numbered lists for this purpose as they are less readable and tend to merge into walls of text.
* For schedules, use schedule templates.
* Do not take screenshots of napcharts. Use the image export feature.
* Use bullets for lists (you can type it with an asterisk).
* When creating a new page, ensure it has a short summary description before the paragraphs start. This is needed for showing previews correctly.