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=== Metamaxion ===
=== Metamaxion ===
[[File:Metamaxion.png|thumb|A Metamaxion napchart]]
[[File:Metamaxion.png|thumb|A Metamaxion napchart]]
Similarly to Metaman, this schedule is the extended version of [[Dymaxion]], another [[Nap only|nap-only]] schedule with a low total sleep time. Metamaxion was suggested by [[Zandimna]] as an improved version of Metaman with less blocks of sleep needed, which is easier to schedule around the day. It has four 50-minute naps, equidistantly placed throughout the day. This length is on the borderline which divides cores from naps, so sleeps can be shortened to 45 minutes to ensure they are definitely naps. Nevertheless, the total sleep time on Metamaxion is less than 4 hours for both options, so one needs a bit lower than average sleep requirements for the adaptation. Longer naps duration means that it's more likely to reach the needed sleep compression for having long enough SWS episodes for the efficiency of the glymphatic system, however this is still extremely difficult for an average person, so the same question as about Metaman remains on this schedule too.
Similarly to Metaman, this schedule is the extended version of [[Dymaxion]], another [[Nap only|nap-only]] schedule with a low total sleep time. Metamaxion was suggested by [[Zandimna]] as an improved version of Metaman with less blocks of sleep needed, which is easier to schedule around the day. It has four 50-minute naps, equidistantly placed throughout the day. This length is on the borderline which divides [[cores]] from naps, so sleeps can be shortened to 45 minutes to ensure they are definitely naps. Nevertheless, the total sleep time on Metamaxion is less than 4 hours for both options, so one needs a bit lower than average sleep requirements for the adaptation. Longer naps duration means that it's more likely to reach the needed sleep compression for having long enough SWS episodes for the efficiency of the glymphatic system, however this is still extremely difficult for an average person, so the same question as about Metaman remains on this schedule too.
==== SPAMAYL-40 ====
[[File:Spamayl40.png|thumb|A SPAMAYL-40 variant]]
Basically has same characteristics as a regular [[SPAMAYL]], except the naps are longer on this one. The amount of naps needed also can be decreased compared to SPAMAYL with shorter naps, which makes this easier to schedule around the day. Also, similarly to Metaman and Metamaxion, SPAMAYL-40 is a bit more double for regular people. This schedule was suggested by many people, partially done by Sporky once, who mixed it with shorter naps too though. Longer naps had an architecture of mini-cores, often containing both SWS or REM or one of this stage being dominant. Sporky's average sleep cycle is close to 90 minutes on monophasic sleep, which either was compressed so much or used a wake time programming method to insert some light sleep at the end of the naps, which maked waking up easier. Similarly to the above mentioned schedules, SPAMAYL-40 doesn't allow for long uninterrupted SWS episodes, which likely is unhealthy for the glymphatic system process.
=== Modified schedules with the nap extention ===
=== Modified schedules with the nap extention ===
[[File:Dc1longnap.png|thumb|A DC1 variant with a long nap]]
Taking any regular schedule with extended nap(-s), a new schedule of this category will be the result. An example includes [[DC1|DC1-modified]] on a picture near this paragraph, which has a 40-minute nap outside of the REM peak. The mechanism of this likely differs from the pronap-only schedules above, since the total sleep time is much higher and the compression levels are much lower. Also all needed SWS should easily be placed in the cores, which possibly will allow longer naps have little-to-no SWS, thus making them more refreshing initially. It is unclear if the wake time programming will be applicable in this case too, but this is worth experimenting. Longer naps on the regular polyphasic schedules might also compensate for a bit shortened cores (e.g. a DC1 variant with 3h + 1.5h cores, or a [[E2]] variant with a 4h core).
