

From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki
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It is important to realize that willpower alone is not enough for adapting to this schedule. With SWS deprivation, willpower simply will not help you. People have reported unconsciously disabling or ignoring electronic devices and performing other actions necessary to go back to sleep, with no recall whatsoever afterwards. People have slept through noise-based alarms, flashing lights, loud fans, and repeated maximum-voltage shocks from a [[Special:MyLanguage/Pavlok|Pavlok]]. It is therefore very useful, if not necessary, to have constant human supervision to make sure you are awake when you are supposed to be. To date, most people, who adapted to this schedule, had the help of another human. Puredoxyk was woken up by Psuke and Youtuber [[Special:MyLanguage/Aeia|Aeia]] was woken up by her twin sister during her adaptation. Without the help of other people, it is very unlikely that you would ever adapt to this schedule.
