
From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki

Since E1 is overall a viable schedule to prepare polyphasic sleepers for more advanced schedules with the necessary napping skills to master the daytime nap, it does benefit a vast range of lifestyles. The biphasic nature of E1 allows for long wake gaps between the nap and the core, and the nap can be fit into a many daily schedules, including mainstream 9-to-5 jobs. The nap can also be scheduled around noon in between any breaks or after work. Because of the short nap duration, it becomes possible to sustain the schedule long term, as the nap is not as long as a core (at least 90m), and as a result, it is less likely to be interrupted by daytime commitments. After adaptation, the nap window can be up to 4 hours with standard E1, and potentially wider with extended variants of the schedule.