
From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki
biphasic page created
'''Biphasic''' schedule is a sleep schedule which contains two blocks of sleep.

== Mechanism ==
Biphasic schedules have been naturally used by humanity over the centuries<ref>Ekirch AR. [ Segmented Sleep in Preindustrial Societies]. ''Sleep''. 2016;39(3):715-716. doi:[ 10.5665/sleep.5558]</ref>. Their mechanism is mostly not the same, and only high total sleep time is a similar feature. Less reduction is possible because of the [[wake time reduction]] mechanism, as biphasic schedules have only two blocks of sleep, which is not enough to sleep much less than on [[monophasic]] sleep. The maximum possible reduction is usually around 1-3 hours. All the biphasic schedules belongs also other polyphasic schedules categories.

== Biphasic schedules ==

=== Siesta ===
[[Siesta]] sleep generally consists of a long core at night and a shorter core (siesta nap) midday. Siesta sleep tends to have around 6-8 hours of total sleep time.

This schedule also belongs to the [[dual core]] category by the amount of cores, albeit the mechanism is quite different from segmented/bifurcated sleep. By the mechanism this schedule is mostly similar to core-only schedules, such as [[Triphasic]] sleep or [[QC0]].

=== Segmented ===
[[Segmented]] sleep, sometimes denoted as DC0 (dual core with zero naps), has one core sleep generally around dusk and one core sleep generally around dawn a few hours after the end of the dusk core. Segmented sleep tends to have around 6-8 hours of total sleep time.

This schedule belongs to the [[dual core]] category both by the amount of cores and by the mechanism of segmentation and is a nice starting point for the gradual adaptation to DC schedules.

=== E1 ===
[[E1]] or Everyman 1 consists of a long core at night and a nap midday. It tends to have around 6-8 hours of total sleep as well.

This schedule also belongs to the [[everyman]] category both by the amount of cores and by the mechanism of replacing one sleep cycle with one nap, and is a nice starting point for the gradual adaptation to Everyman schedules.

== References ==
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