
From Polyphasic Sleep Wiki
Importing a new version from external source
A few have adapted to a Triphasic-extended variant with a 9-10h wake gap from morning to afternoon. This makes daily activity scheduling much easier, in which the daytime core can be moved to ~16-17. The shorter gap between the evening and morning cores resembles Segmented core gap and can be utilized for various activities. The first core can begin later, up to around 23:00 thanks to the increased total sleep. The core extension also suits individuals with higher sleep requirements, for whom adapting to regular Triphasic may be impossible.
[[File:Triphasic-extended 2.png|thumb|Alternative triphasic-extended with a longer morning core]]
Alternatively, it may be possible to extend the morning core to 3h, which may allow for even more social events. However, this variant has no known successes to date. A sleeper with low SWS needs and high REM needs may find this variant easier.
