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{{TNT|tooshort}}A [[Nap only|nap-only]] schedule, which contains four 30-minute [[naps]] evenly spaced throughout the day, for a total of 2 hours of sleep.{{TNT|Dymaxion}}
'''Dymaxion''' is a [[Special:MyLanguage/Nap only|nap-only]] schedule,<ref name="time" /> which contains four 30-minute [[Special:MyLanguage/naps|naps]] evenly spaced throughout the day, for a total of 2 hours of sleep.  
== History ==
== Origin == <!--T:2-->
Dymaxion (often referred to as Dymax), is the first and original polyphasic schedule in the "-maxion" family. It was created by Buckminster Fuller,  in the 1930s, who reportedly slept on this schedule for most of the time between '''1932 and 1933'''. Dymaxion stands for ‘dynamic maximum tension’ and Fuller applied this word to many other inventions of his, including a house, a car, and a map. Fuller reported that "2 hours of sleep per day is plenty", which may insinuate at his sky-high motivation to live a life of an inventor who is willing to spend as little time on sleep as possible.
With Dymaxion being one of the most advanced polyphasic schedules that shape the definition, usage and legend of polyphasic sleep practice, together with Uberman, it also attracts several attempts over the course of decades. Recently, its formation also spurred the inspiration for 2 "-maxion" schedules ('''Bimaxion and Trimaxion''') that take on the mantle of the original 30m naps in Dymaxion and posing as easier equivalents. The 30m naps are also sometimes referred to as "'''Dymaxion naps'''" due to how intense they are for a polyphasic adaptation.
Dymaxion was created by [[Special:MyLanguage/Buckminster Fuller|Buckminster Fuller]] in the 1930s who slept this way in 1932 and 1933. "Dymaxion" is a made up from ‘dynamic', 'maximum' and 'tension', which was also applied to many other inventions of his. Fuller stated that "2 hours of sleep per day is plenty", claiming no ill effect from such an intense schedule.  
== Dymaxion vs Uberman ==
Most things that apply to Uberman also apply to Dymaxion. Because it is a nap-only schedule with a total of '''2h of sleep time''', it has a lot of similarities to Uberman, including the extremely high difficulty, miniscule success rate, insane adaptation, and basically no flexibility. Like with Uberman all of the SWS and REM must come from naps on this schedule, so the amount of SWS and REM in proportion to light sleep is very high. Dymaxion still tends to be less popular than Uberman.
Dymaxion is a widely known polyphasic schedule, second only to [[Special:MyLanguage/Uberman|Uberman]]. As such, it has attracted many attempts over the years.  
'''Difficulty-wise Dymaxion is harder than Uberman'''. Because of the larger gap between naps (5h30m compared to 3h40m) the wakefulness-sustaining capacity of naps is going to falter. The length of the naps is during adaptation, however, the hardest part of the schedule.
== Adaptation == <!--T:5-->
SWS will usually begin at around the 25 minute mark even when the SWS pressure is low. After the first day or two every nap is going to end in SWS because the nap is long enough to cross this SWS boundary. In contrast to this, with a 20 minute nap-only schedule like Uberman the naps will contain SWS only after the SWS pressure hits a peak or when the sleep cycle is compressed enough that the naps are able to have the SWS start earlier. This means that nap-only schedules with 20m naps don’t get SWS wakes until some time has passed on the schedule.
{{See also|Uberman#Adaptation}}
As with other schedules, there are a few different adaptation methods. However, adaptation to this schedule is extremely hostile, likely greater than even Uberman due to its longer gaps. The difficulties in adapting to Uberman are also present in Dymaxion, and it is advised that beginners do not attempt the schedule.
Even in the beginning of adaptation the naps on Dymaxion are harder to wake from than the naps on Uberman, because they all have SWS wakes. '''SWS wakes are associated with grogginess after wake up (sleep inertia)''', so waking up from every nap is going to be difficult until the body gets used to the nap length and performs wake time programming. They are also associated with a difficulty of hearing alarms, which means that even those with a high willpower are going to have a really hard time actually waking up from the naps. Finally, in SWS wakes you are very prone to immediately falling back asleep unless you stand up. Naps that end in SWS also have the disadvantage of forgetting or not having dreams when you wake up.
=== Gradual adaptation === <!--T:7-->
== Adaptation ==
Currently there are 2 methods to adapt to Dymaxion. Each of them has pros and cons, but successful adaptations remain very rare.  
One way to [[Special:MyLanguage/gradual adaptation|gradually adapt]] to Dymaxion is to start an adaptation to either [[Special:MyLanguage/Trimaxion|Trimaxion]] or [[Special:MyLanguage/Bimaxion|Bimaxion]] first, and then change a core sleep to a nap one at a time to finally reach Dymaxion. Sleep timings of these two schedules resemble Dymaxion. Starting from Bimaxion, one [[Special:MyLanguage/Cores|core]] is shortened to 30 m after adapting to the previous schedule until every sleep block is 30 m long. This approach suffers from the same issues as the gradual adaptation to Uberman.  
=== Gradual adaptation ===
However, Bimaxion has since been considered one of the most difficult schedules to adapt to, and Trimaxion has so far seen no successful adaptations. As with gradually adapting to Uberman, it would take a very long period of time to reach Dymaxion, and the final adaptation can still fail.  
[[File:Trimaxion.png|center|thumb|Trimaxion]]The idea behind this gradual transition is to start an adaptation to either Trimaxion or Bimaxion first, and then remove a core sleep one step at a time to finally reach Dymaxion. The distribution of sleeps from these 2 schedules resemble Dymaxion's sleep placement. Starting from Bimaxion, one core is shortened to 30m after adapting to the previous schedule until every sleep block is 30m long. This approach suffers from the same issues as the gradual adaptation to Uberman. However, both of these schedules are already known to be very difficult to adapt to, and it can take a very long period of time to reach Dymaxion, and the Dymaxion adaptation can still fail.  
=== Cold turkey ===
=== Cold turkey === <!--T:10-->
So far all successful Dymaxion attempts stem from this method. For mutant sleepers or insomniacs, they can dive into Dymaxion directly. The level of sleep compression on Dymaxion will start to manifest after a couple of days, and as usual, intense sleep deprivation will ensue and need to be overcome.
Regardless of the methods, it is necessary, if not required, to have a '''human supervision''' to ensure there is no oversleep during this adaptation. Any oversleeps will greatly set back the adaptation process, effectively resetting the whole nap architecture built up to that point.  
So far all successful Dymaxion attempts have been achieved through this method. A few days after starting, intense [[wikipedia:Sleep_deprivation|sleep deprivation]] will become ensue, which needs to be overcome.  
== Alternate Variants ==
As with Uberman, it is strongly recommended to have human supervision to avoid oversleeps. Any oversleeps will greatly set back the adaptation process, effectively resetting the whole nap architecture built up to that point.
=== Dymaxion-6 (D6) ===
== Difficulty == <!--T:13-->
[[File:Dymaxion-6.png|center|thumb|Dymaxion with Uberman distribution]]
Dymaxion 6 is often mislabeled as Uberman, because it resembles the structure of Uberman a lot, the only difference being 30m naps instead of 20m ones. So what practically makes a difference is that the naps on Dymaxion-6 have '''much worse wakes''' than the naps on Uberman during adaptation, due to their length. This distribution of sleep also grants '''2 extra opportunities''' to wake in SWS (2 extra naps compared to the standard Dymaxion). At most a handful of people have been able to adapt to this variation, and it suffers from the same problems as Uberman, namely the inconvenient scheduling. It also has the same problems as other nap-only schedules, like extreme rigidity and questionable health impacts. Therefore, this schedule also can’t really be recommended for people to do long term.
== Research ==
{{TNT|Further|Nap only#Mechanism}}
Dymaxion shares a lot of similarities to Uberman, including extreme difficulty and very low flexibility. Like with Uberman all of the [[wikipedia:Slow-wave_sleep|SWS]] and [[wikipedia:Rapid_eye_movement_sleep|REM]] must come from naps on this schedule, so the amount of SWS and REM in proportion to [[wikipedia:Non-rapid_eye_movement_sleep|light sleep]] is very high. Dymaxion still tends to be less popular than Uberman.
=== Introduction & Context ===
As of currently, there has only been one single-case study on Dymaxion sleep. This was conducted by the sleep researcher '''Claudio Stampi''' himself. Francesco Jost was the volunteer for the study. He did participate in another study prior to this one, which also inspired the idea of an attempt to adapt to '''Dymaxion-6''' (The scheduling variant in the study at is the exact same times as the proposed Dymaxion-6 in this page). Jost is a normal monophasic sleeper (8h baseline), in good health conditions and did not have any polyphasic sleeping experience before the series of these 2 studies. It is possible that he has an average of '''~90m REM and ~90m SWS requirements''' per day.  
Difficulty-wise Dymaxion is likely harder than Uberman. Because of the larger gap between naps (5h30m compared to 3h40m), sustaining wakefulness will be more difficult than on Uberman. Since SWS usually begins by the 25-minute mark, naps will contain SWS right from the start, which may cause SWS wakes as soon early on. However, this matters little overall, as overcoming the [[Special:MyLanguage/SWS rebound|SWS rebound]] is necessary in order to adapt to either schedule.
Since he experimented with Uberman in the first study and the study only lasted for 19 days, it was not enough to carry on much relevant information compared to this second study in discussion, and won't be included in the Uberman page because of some minor oversleeping during adaptation, and the adaptation duration was clearly far from enough. This time the study lasted for '''48 days''', however, he only spent '''34 days''' (~5 weeks) adapting to the structure of Dymaxion-6, discounting some transition days from gradual sleep reduction. This study duration was also similar to the one in the Uberman page. It is called '''''The Second Study: Forty-Eight Days with 3 Hours Polyphasic Sleep per Day'' (Chapter 12, Why We Nap)'''''.''
SWS wakes in naps may cause difficulty hearing alarms, which may directly cause oversleeps, even without consciously deciding to. It is also much more tempting to go back to sleep after an SWS wake, even if you do wake up. Naps ending in SWS are less likely to produce dream recall, which may be unsatisfying to some.
Since the idea of the study is built on the first one, ''no EEG recordings'' were obtained for the second study. Instead, multiple cognitive and performance tests were carried out before (monophasic baseline), during and after adaptation (following a day where he was allowed to sleep as much as possible). These tests are as follows:
== Lifestyle Considerations == <!--T:17-->
# DST (Descending Subtraction Test)
# MAST (Memory & Search Test)
Compared to Uberman, Dymaxion allows for a wider range of daily activities with its longer wake gaps. The 1-2 daytime naps can fit into normal jobs as long as it is possible to nap at work. For a nap-only schedule, Dymaxion is an excellent choice as long as the necessary sleep requirements are met. In this aspect, it is preferable to Uberman, even though the adaptation may be even more difficult.
Some assumptions may be put forth regarding the sleep stages that went into the naps based on the first study, but in the grand scheme of things, this is not a reliable way to make absolute deductions.  
It is virtually impossible to [[Special:MyLanguage/Flexing|flex]] naps on Dymaxion, even after the adaptation. Regular alarms  may still be needed to wake up, because of the high sleep pressure. However, one successful case has shown the possibility of moderate exercise (light lifting and calisthenics) on Dymaxion. However, said Dymaxion sleeper also experienced more frequent muscle soreness and noticeably slowed recovery after each exercise session.  
=== Results ===
As with other nap-only schedules, there are long-term health risks of Dymaxion, such as the implications of inhibited [[wikipedia:Glymphatic_system|glymphatic system]] and long term sleep deprivation). Average sleepers are discouraged from attempting Dymaxion.
# '''MAST performance''' showed a ''slight decrement'' relative to baseline throughout days 3-21, followed by an '''improvement above baseline Ievels''' thereafter.
== Variants == <!--T:21-->
# '''DST performance''' showed a modest but more prolonged decrement throughout days 3-33, followed by a sharp increase in performance above baseline Ievels immediately after the '''ad lib sleep day'''.
# During the ad lib sleep day, he slept for a total of '''10 hours'''.
# None of these values were significantly different from baseline Ievels. The only significant difference was for DST toward the end of the experiment to be better than the previous weeks, but mostly because of the 10h "recovery" duration.
=== Analysis based on the polyphasic community standpoint ===
=== Dymaxion-6 (D6) === <!--T:22-->
# An equivalent of 5 weeks sticking to the schedule like Jost did may be sufficient to be successfully adapted to a polyphasic schedule.
# The total sleep of Dymaxion-6 (3h) is '''below the minimum threshold''' for an average, normal 8h monophasic sleeper like him. The 10h baseline after the duration on the schedule suggested that he was still possibly missing out on a certain amount of vital sleep (SWS and/or REM baselines), even though a 10h sleep duration is unexpectedly short as one would expect this duration to be much longer.
[[File:Dymaxion-6.png|thumb|Dymaxion with Uberman distribution|alt=]]
# While the MAST results can be considered '''satisfactory''', the DST performance still suffered and was still decreasing by day 33. The statistically significant stat is the DST performance, which was said to worsen and only improved after the 10h sleep duration.
Dymaxion 6 resembles the structure of Uberman, with the difference being its 30-minute naps instead of 20-minute ones. As with regular Dymaxion, these naps can lead to SWS wakes and may introduce difficulties early in the adaptation, though likely not an issue by the middle of the adaptation. A few people have been able to adapt to this variation, and it suffers the same inconvenient scheduling as Uberman. Though it has substantially more total sleep than regular Uberman or Dymaxion, it is still a difficult schedule. It has the same problems as other nap-only schedules, like extreme rigidity and potential negative health impacts.  
# Stampi noted that "it is difficult to interpret the improvement in MAST performance after day 21 and prior to improvements observed in DST performance; this may be indicative of FJ's adaptation to the ultrashort sleep schedule, and may also further confirm that the DST is a test '''particularly sensitive to sleep-deprivation and sleep-inertia effects'''". This suggests that DST should be incorporated into a cognitive check model for adapted sleepers in the community.
# For an average sleeper to attempt Dymaxion sleep, Jost held out quite well. Even though objectively speaking he was likely in '''Stage 4''' of the adaptation, rather than a truly successful adaptation as Stampi claimed it was. It is unknown if Jost would continue to improve should the study be prolonged for a couple extra weeks to see real improvements in DST, but one thing for certain, is that it may be possible to him to be stuck in Stage 3/4 if DST continued the downward trend.
# A sleep mutant would likely be able to adapt to this schedule, given the right environment, setup and personal motivation.  
# The results further support the community-based observation that a nap-only schedule is most likely not sustainable for normal sleepers long-term, while being "adapted" or "close to being adapted" is a possible outcome in a short period of time. Dymaxion, regardless of variants (4 or 6 naps) remains a '''remarkably hostile''' polyphasic schedule from the nap-based lifestyles, which is deemed beyond the realm of possible adaptability for most humans. Inexperienced sleepers without laboratory-based conditions or extensive adaptation and lifestyle preparations should not attempt to adapt to the Dymaxion naps.  
== Lifestyle Considerations ==
== Research == <!--T:24-->
Compared to Uberman, Dymaxion can have an edge in scheduling longer activities thanks to the longer wake gap between each nap. The 2 daytime naps can fit into '''regular jobs''', if there is a permissible nap window (e.g, noon break, or lunch break). The other nap can be scheduled after work hours. Unlike its easier "-maxion" counterparts, Dymaxion's nap around midnight does not suffer as much from the hindrance of social activity because the nap is much shorter and can start at midnight. For a nap-only schedule, Dymaxion has a '''solid standing''' as long as the necessary sleep requirements are present to adapt to it. For this reason, it is preferred to Uberman sometimes, even though the adaptation is no less insane than any other sleep-restrictive schedules.
It is so far impossible to flex any naps on Dymaxion even after the adaptation is complete. Regular alarms still have to be used to wake up, because of the very low total sleep. However, one successful case has shown the possibility of some form of moderate exercises (e.g, light lifting or calisthenics) on Dymaxion. While this is an impressive feat, said Dymaxion sleeper also admitted to more '''frequent muscle soreness''' and a noticeably '''slowed recovery rate''' after each exercise session. Same as other nap-only schedules, there can be long-term health risk of Dymaxion (e.g, glymphatic system), increased cortisol, or certain memory loss/imbalance. Average sleepers are strongly discouraged from attempting Dymaxion.
There has been one single-case study<ref name="study"/> on Dymaxion-6 conducted by [[wikipedia:Claudio_Stampi|Claudio Stampi]]. Francesco Jost was the volunteer for the study. He participated in another study prior to this one, which inspired this idea. Jost was a normal monophasic sleeper (8h baseline), in good health conditions and did not have any polyphasic sleeping experience before these two attempts. It is possible that he has average REM and SWS baselines.  
The study lasted for 48 days, of which 34 days were used to adapt to the schedule, discounting some transition days in which he gradually reduced sleep. On day 34 and after the end of the experiment, he was allowed to sleep ad lib, that is, as much as desired.
No EEG recordings were obtained for this study. Nonetheless, multiple cognitive and performance tests were before, during adaptation, and after recovery. These tests include a DST (Descending Subtraction Test) and an MAST (Memory & Search Test).
=== Results === <!--T:28-->
* MAST performance showed a slight decrease relative to baseline throughout days 3-21, followed by an improvement above baseline levels thereafter.
* DST performance showed a modest but more prolonged decrease throughout days 3-33, followed by a sharp increase in performance above baseline levels immediately after recovery on day 34.
* During the ad lib sleep on day 34, he slept for a total of 10 hours.
* None of these values showed a statistically significant difference from baseline levels.
=== Analysis === <!--T:30-->
* 5 weeks on the schedule like Jost did may be sufficient be considered adapted to the schedule.
* The total sleep of Dymaxion-6 (3 hours) is below the minimum threshold for an average sleeper. As such, the 10-hour baseline afterwards suggest that he was still possibly missing out on vital sleep (SWS and/or REM), though 10 hours is a small amount of sleep for such a scenario.
* While the MAST performance stayed relatively high, the DST performance suffered and was still decreasing by day 33. This may be a sign of cognitive deficit on the schedule.
* Stampi noted "it is difficult to interpret the improvement in MAST performance after day 21 and prior to improvements observed in DST performance; this may be indicative of FJ's adaptation to the ultrashort sleep schedule, and may also further confirm that the DST is a test particularly sensitive to sleep-deprivation and sleep-inertia effects." This suggests that DST may be incorporated into a cognitive check model for adapted sleepers in the community.
* For an average sleeper attempting Dymaxion, Jost held out quite well, though he likely only reached [[Special:MyLanguage/4-Stages Adaptation Model#Stage 4|Stage 4]] of the adaptation, rather than a complete adaptation as Stampi claimed it was. It is unknown if Jost would continue to improve should the study be prolonged for a couple extra weeks to see real improvements in DST.
* A [[Special:MyLanguage/short sleeper|short sleeper]] with lower SWS and REM baselines would likely be able to adapt to this schedule, given the right environment, setup and personal motivation.
* The results further support the community-based observation that a nap-only schedule is most likely not sustainable for normal sleepers long-term, even though being adapted or close to being adapted may be possible short-term. Dymaxion, even with 6 naps, remains hostile and is deemed unadaptable for most. Inexperienced sleepers without laboratory-based conditions or extensive adaptation and lifestyle preparations should not attempt to adapt to Dymaxion.
== References == <!--T:32-->
<ref name="time">{{cite magazine |date=1943 |title=Dymaxion Sleep |url=https://mywebvault.wordpress.com/2009/06/04/dymaxion-sleep-time/ |magazine=Time |access-date=2020-12-18}}
<ref name="study">{{cite book |last=Stampi |first=Claudio |date=2014 |title=Why We Nap |publisher= Birkhauser |isbn=0-8176-3462-2 |chapter=What Is  the Limit for Prolonged Sleep Reduction? An Objective Evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci Ultrashort Sleep Strategy  }}</ref>
{{TNT|Polyphasic Sleep Schedules}}
{{TNT|Polyphasic Sleep Schedules}}

Latest revision as of 03:55, 6 January 2021

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This is an unadvisable schedule, as its total sleep time is considered to be below the bare minimum required for most people.
Dymaxion 4
chart link

Total sleep2 hours
Proposed byBuckminster Fuller
DifficultyExtremely difficult
Specification4 30-minute naps equidistantly placed throughout the day

Dymaxion is a nap-only schedule,[1] which contains four 30-minute naps evenly spaced throughout the day, for a total of 2 hours of sleep.


Dymaxion was created by Buckminster Fuller in the 1930s who slept this way in 1932 and 1933. "Dymaxion" is a made up from ‘dynamic', 'maximum' and 'tension', which was also applied to many other inventions of his. Fuller stated that "2 hours of sleep per day is plenty", claiming no ill effect from such an intense schedule.

Dymaxion is a widely known polyphasic schedule, second only to Uberman. As such, it has attracted many attempts over the years.


As with other schedules, there are a few different adaptation methods. However, adaptation to this schedule is extremely hostile, likely greater than even Uberman due to its longer gaps. The difficulties in adapting to Uberman are also present in Dymaxion, and it is advised that beginners do not attempt the schedule.

Gradual adaptation


One way to gradually adapt to Dymaxion is to start an adaptation to either Trimaxion or Bimaxion first, and then change a core sleep to a nap one at a time to finally reach Dymaxion. Sleep timings of these two schedules resemble Dymaxion. Starting from Bimaxion, one core is shortened to 30 m after adapting to the previous schedule until every sleep block is 30 m long. This approach suffers from the same issues as the gradual adaptation to Uberman.

However, Bimaxion has since been considered one of the most difficult schedules to adapt to, and Trimaxion has so far seen no successful adaptations. As with gradually adapting to Uberman, it would take a very long period of time to reach Dymaxion, and the final adaptation can still fail.

Cold turkey

So far all successful Dymaxion attempts have been achieved through this method. A few days after starting, intense sleep deprivation will become ensue, which needs to be overcome.

As with Uberman, it is strongly recommended to have human supervision to avoid oversleeps. Any oversleeps will greatly set back the adaptation process, effectively resetting the whole nap architecture built up to that point.


Dymaxion shares a lot of similarities to Uberman, including extreme difficulty and very low flexibility. Like with Uberman all of the SWS and REM must come from naps on this schedule, so the amount of SWS and REM in proportion to light sleep is very high. Dymaxion still tends to be less popular than Uberman.

Difficulty-wise Dymaxion is likely harder than Uberman. Because of the larger gap between naps (5h30m compared to 3h40m), sustaining wakefulness will be more difficult than on Uberman. Since SWS usually begins by the 25-minute mark, naps will contain SWS right from the start, which may cause SWS wakes as soon early on. However, this matters little overall, as overcoming the SWS rebound is necessary in order to adapt to either schedule.

SWS wakes in naps may cause difficulty hearing alarms, which may directly cause oversleeps, even without consciously deciding to. It is also much more tempting to go back to sleep after an SWS wake, even if you do wake up. Naps ending in SWS are less likely to produce dream recall, which may be unsatisfying to some.

Lifestyle Considerations

Compared to Uberman, Dymaxion allows for a wider range of daily activities with its longer wake gaps. The 1-2 daytime naps can fit into normal jobs as long as it is possible to nap at work. For a nap-only schedule, Dymaxion is an excellent choice as long as the necessary sleep requirements are met. In this aspect, it is preferable to Uberman, even though the adaptation may be even more difficult.

It is virtually impossible to flex naps on Dymaxion, even after the adaptation. Regular alarms may still be needed to wake up, because of the high sleep pressure. However, one successful case has shown the possibility of moderate exercise (light lifting and calisthenics) on Dymaxion. However, said Dymaxion sleeper also experienced more frequent muscle soreness and noticeably slowed recovery after each exercise session.

As with other nap-only schedules, there are long-term health risks of Dymaxion, such as the implications of inhibited glymphatic system and long term sleep deprivation). Average sleepers are discouraged from attempting Dymaxion.


Dymaxion-6 (D6)

Dymaxion with Uberman distribution

Dymaxion 6 resembles the structure of Uberman, with the difference being its 30-minute naps instead of 20-minute ones. As with regular Dymaxion, these naps can lead to SWS wakes and may introduce difficulties early in the adaptation, though likely not an issue by the middle of the adaptation. A few people have been able to adapt to this variation, and it suffers the same inconvenient scheduling as Uberman. Though it has substantially more total sleep than regular Uberman or Dymaxion, it is still a difficult schedule. It has the same problems as other nap-only schedules, like extreme rigidity and potential negative health impacts.


There has been one single-case study[2] on Dymaxion-6 conducted by Claudio Stampi. Francesco Jost was the volunteer for the study. He participated in another study prior to this one, which inspired this idea. Jost was a normal monophasic sleeper (8h baseline), in good health conditions and did not have any polyphasic sleeping experience before these two attempts. It is possible that he has average REM and SWS baselines.

The study lasted for 48 days, of which 34 days were used to adapt to the schedule, discounting some transition days in which he gradually reduced sleep. On day 34 and after the end of the experiment, he was allowed to sleep ad lib, that is, as much as desired.

No EEG recordings were obtained for this study. Nonetheless, multiple cognitive and performance tests were before, during adaptation, and after recovery. These tests include a DST (Descending Subtraction Test) and an MAST (Memory & Search Test).


  • MAST performance showed a slight decrease relative to baseline throughout days 3-21, followed by an improvement above baseline levels thereafter.
  • DST performance showed a modest but more prolonged decrease throughout days 3-33, followed by a sharp increase in performance above baseline levels immediately after recovery on day 34.
  • During the ad lib sleep on day 34, he slept for a total of 10 hours.
  • None of these values showed a statistically significant difference from baseline levels.


  • 5 weeks on the schedule like Jost did may be sufficient be considered adapted to the schedule.
  • The total sleep of Dymaxion-6 (3 hours) is below the minimum threshold for an average sleeper. As such, the 10-hour baseline afterwards suggest that he was still possibly missing out on vital sleep (SWS and/or REM), though 10 hours is a small amount of sleep for such a scenario.
  • While the MAST performance stayed relatively high, the DST performance suffered and was still decreasing by day 33. This may be a sign of cognitive deficit on the schedule.
  • Stampi noted "it is difficult to interpret the improvement in MAST performance after day 21 and prior to improvements observed in DST performance; this may be indicative of FJ's adaptation to the ultrashort sleep schedule, and may also further confirm that the DST is a test particularly sensitive to sleep-deprivation and sleep-inertia effects." This suggests that DST may be incorporated into a cognitive check model for adapted sleepers in the community.
  • For an average sleeper attempting Dymaxion, Jost held out quite well, though he likely only reached Stage 4 of the adaptation, rather than a complete adaptation as Stampi claimed it was. It is unknown if Jost would continue to improve should the study be prolonged for a couple extra weeks to see real improvements in DST.
  • A short sleeper with lower SWS and REM baselines would likely be able to adapt to this schedule, given the right environment, setup and personal motivation.
  • The results further support the community-based observation that a nap-only schedule is most likely not sustainable for normal sleepers long-term, even though being adapted or close to being adapted may be possible short-term. Dymaxion, even with 6 naps, remains hostile and is deemed unadaptable for most. Inexperienced sleepers without laboratory-based conditions or extensive adaptation and lifestyle preparations should not attempt to adapt to Dymaxion.


  1. "Dymaxion Sleep". Time. 1943. Retrieved 2020-12-18.
  2. Stampi, Claudio (2014). "What Is the Limit for Prolonged Sleep Reduction? An Objective Evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci Ultrashort Sleep Strategy". Why We Nap. Birkhauser. ISBN 0-8176-3462-2.