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Triphasic - это оригинальный и самый популярный из соответствующего семейства графиков, который состоит из 3 ядер и не содержит нэпов.

Tri Core 0
ссылка на napchart

Total sleep4 hours 30 minutes
Proposed byLeif Weaver
DifficultyVery hard
Specification3 single-cycle core sleeps


Лейф Уивер предложил этот график, адаптировался к нему и придерживался его несколько месяцев.


Ядра обычно находятся на одинаковом расстоянии друг от друга, а промежуток между ними составляет 6.5 часа. Однако такое расположение ядер не обязательно. Тем не менее, рекомендуется избегать такого расположения, при котором время между двумя ядрами будет больше, чем 8 часов. Самый большой разрыв по времени, к которому был зафиксирован случай адаптации, составил 9 часов между дневным и веречним ядрами. Предполагается, что другие промежутки будут меньше, так как давление сна выше ночью и утром.

Как и в случае с Dual core, вечернее ядро в основном отвечает за SWS, в то время как утреннее - за REM. Дневное ядро содержит смешанные стадии сна.


Вначале циклы сна будут происходить как обычно. Цикл сначала начинается с легкого сна, затем достигает SWS и, наконец, завершается после окончания REM. Во втором ядре давление SWS может быть слабее, чем давление REM, что позволяет некоторому количеству REM попасть в этот промежуток сна.

As adaptation progresses, both SWS and REM deprivation symptoms are likely to manifest as the schedule significantly reduces total sleep compared to monophasic. Vital sleep needs to be repartitioned into each core sleep according to the homeostatic and circadian pressures.

During adaptation, the first core will be difficult to wake from, because of possible SWS wakes, which may result in oversleeps. Likewise, the second core may also be difficult, particularly when REM deprivation has accumulated to high levels. The daytime core is likely the easiest to handle, and may naturally shorten after adaptation.


The adaptation difficulty for triphasic (non-extended) is "very hard" due to its low total sleep and only having a one-cycle core in the SWS peak. It is significantly harder than E3, due to the need to split SWS over several cores as well as its longer gaps.

Lifestyle consideration

Because of Triphasic's daytime and evening cores at often inconvenient hours, Triphasic is not very popular. The need for a core in SWS peak makes social life in the evening difficult. As it only has 4.5 hours of total sleep, Triphasic is quite inflexible even after adaptation for average sleepers. One person has reported being able to flex a Triphasic core by up to 30 minutes. With the limited flexibility, maintaining Triphasic long-term is difficult, even if the adaptation is successful. Intense exercise may also be detrimental to the schedule, because the increased SWS requirements from the exercise can lead to SWS wakes, and may cause oversleeps. Triphasic can create a sense of long days blurred together, with wake gaps all similar in length.

Triphasic-extended, however, is much more practical in this aspect. Since the first core can start later, social events in the evening become possible. More sleep also allows for more physical training and flexibility after adaptation. The long morning-afternoon wake gap allows for many different daily activities without having to worry about sleep. Triphasic-extended has reported more successes.


Aside from the non-equidistant Triphasic scheduling which has proven to be viable by a couple of sleepers, the most popular and widely successful version is the extended version.


Sample Triphasic-extended

The extended version allows more room for SWS in the first core, which greatly eases adaptation. This also increases the total sleep time to 6h.

A few have adapted to a Triphasic-extended variant with a 9-10h wake gap from morning to afternoon. This makes daily activity scheduling much easier, in which the daytime core can be moved to ~16-17. The shorter gap between the evening and morning cores resembles Segmented core gap and can be utilized for various activities. The first core can begin later, up to around 23:00 thanks to the increased total sleep. The core extension also suits individuals with higher sleep requirements, for whom adapting to regular Triphasic may be impossible.

Alternative triphasic-extended with a longer morning core

Alternatively, it may be possible to extend the morning core to 3h, which may allow for even more social events. However, this variant has no known successes to date. A sleeper with low SWS needs and high REM needs may find this variant easier.


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